Songs from Movies

Tung gui mat yau (2001)

A traffic accident brings together Deborah, a high-strung businesswoman, and Veg, successful owner of a fast food shop that specializes in bull organ soup. Fiercely combative about the accident, they end up in bed after too much drinking one night. Deborah's thoughts of pursuing a relationship with Veg are dashed when she learns that he has a famous girlfriend, Mindy (she is television's "Eat Drink Warrior"). Nonetheless, Deborah and Veg become friends, and, after prompting from Veg's mother, Deborah decides to "fight for her love." Who will Veg choose?

The movie Tung gui mat yau, released in 2001, features 1 song from Sammi Cheng.


Songs from Tung gui mat yau

Which Day Will You Be Happy?
Sammi Cheng