Songs from Movies

Tomorrow's Bacon (2001)

A bickering couple in the last stages of a marriage gone sour make life uneasy for a small town waitress when they pull up to her diner on a cold winter night just before closing time. She tries to keep things cool when the couple, obviously from out of town and in midst of more than just a squabble, decide to come in for coffee, tea and directions to the Interstate.

The movie Tomorrow's Bacon, released in 2001, features 4 songs from artists like The String-A-Longs, The Genies, The Victorians and Tommy Edwards. What is your favorite song from Tomorrow's Bacon?


Songs from Tomorrow's Bacon

The String-A-Longs
Crazy Feeling
The Genies
Our Love is a Vow
The Victorians
Please Love Me Forever
Tommy Edwards