Songs from Movies

The Vagabond Lover (1929)

A zany musical about an amateur musician in search of work who impersonates a big band leader.

The movie The Vagabond Lover, released in 1929, features 8 songs from artists like The Connecticut Yankees and the dance troupe at the benefit. What is your favorite song from The Vagabond Lover?


Songs from The Vagabond Lover

If You Were the Only Girl in the World
I Love You, Believe Me, I Love You
I'm Just a Vagabond Lover
Nobody's Sweetheart
The Connecticut Yankees
Georgie Porgie Pudding and Pie
Then I'll Be Reminded of You
The Connecticut Yankees
A Little Kiss Each Morning (A Little Kiss Each Night)
The Connecticut Yankees
Sweetheart, We Need Each Other
the dance troupe at the benefit

Other Soundtracks

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