Songs from Movies

The United States Army Air Force Band (1942)

The United States Air Force Band and Chorus perform on the National Mall in Washington.

The movie The United States Army Air Force Band, released in 1942, features 5 songs from artists like The United States Army Air Force Band during the opening credits, The United States Army Air Force Band and chorus and The United States Army Air Force Band. What is your favorite song from The United States Army Air Force Band?


Songs from The United States Army Air Force Band

The Army Air Corps Song
The United States Army Air Force Band during the opening credits
(Shout! Wherever You May Be) I Am an American
The United States Army Air Force Band and chorus
Polly Wolly Doodle
The United States Army Air Force Band and chorus
His Honor
The United States Army Air Force Band
Man of the Hour
The United States Army Air Force Band