Songs from Movies

The Return of Captain Invincible (1984)

In WWII, Captain Invincible used his superpowers against the Nazis and was hailed as a hero. But when he was accused of treason, he retired to Australia in disgrace. Cut to the present, when a US super secret super weapon is stolen and he's asked to come back to the States in order to help stop evil and restore his sterling reputation. Unfortunately, Captain Invincible is a drunk now...

The movie The Return of Captain Invincible, released in 1984, features 14 songs from artists like Kate Smith, Alan Arkin, Richard OBrien . and Alan Arkin and Christopher Lee .. What is your favorite song from The Return of Captain Invincible?


Songs from The Return of Captain Invincible

God Bless America
Kate Smith
New York, New York
Alan Arkin
Give My Regards to Broadway
Alan Arkin
Riders of the Valkyries
Captain Invincible
Richard OBrien .
Evil Midnight
Alan Arkin and Christopher Lee .
Name Your Poison
Christopher Lee .
Into the Blue
Alan Arkin
We Need a Hero
Michael Pate
Michael Pate
Heaven In Your Eyes
The World I Knew
Alan Arkin
Amazing How They're Alike
Alan Arkin

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