Songs from Movies

The Great Caruso (1951)

Enrico Caruso's only passion is to sing. For that, he leaves his hometown of Naples, Italy, and travels to America to sing for the Metropolitan Opera. At first, his lack of education and poor background make him an outcast in the high-class opera world. Eventually, his voice wins him both fans and the hand of his love, Dorothy. But his nonstop pace and desire to perform at any cost eventually take their toll on the singer's health.

The movie The Great Caruso, released in 1951, features 28 songs from artists like Mario Lanza. What is your favorite song from The Great Caruso?


Songs from The Great Caruso

Under the Bamboo Tree
The Loveliest Night of the Year
Ave Maria
Mario Lanza
Torna a Surriento
Mario Lanza
Celeste Aida
Mario Lanza
Mario Lanza
'A Vucchella
Mario Lanza
La Danza
Mario Lanza
The Consecration Scene
Mario Lanza
Trio Finale
Mario Lanza
In Questa Tomba
Mario Lanza
The Torture Scene
Mario Lanza
E Lucevan le Stelle
Mario Lanza
The Villification Scene
Mario Lanza
Mario Lanza
Cielo e Mar
Mario Lanza
La Donna e Mobile
Mario Lanza
Che Celida Manina
Mario Lanza
Mario Lanza
Mario Lanza
Mario Lanza
Mario Lanza
Mario Lanza
Vesti la Giubba
Mario Lanza
Mario Lanza
Mario Lanza
Mario Lanza
Mario Lanza