Songs from Movies

The Cry of the Owl (2009)

Fleeing New York City, a failed marriage and a fragile mental history, artist Robert Forrester moves to small-town Pennsylvania. There he becomes fascinated with the simple domesticity of a beautiful neighbor, watching her through the windows of her home --- until she invites him in for coffee. He is drawn into a relationship with the young woman whose boyfriend goes missing; Robert becomes a murder suspect, gradually sensing he is the target of a larger plot.

The movie The Cry of the Owl, released in 2009, features 8 songs from artists like Louis Armstrong, Joan As Policewoman, Great Lake Swimmers and Sol Seppy. What is your favorite song from The Cry of the Owl?


Songs from The Cry of the Owl

A Kiss to Build a Dream On
Louis Armstrong
Real Life
Joan As Policewoman
Blue Ink
When It Flows
Great Lake Swimmers
Wholesome Way
Sol Seppy
The Goldberg Variations