Songs from Movies

Nine 1/2 Weeks (1986)

An erotic story about a woman, the assistant of an art gallery, who gets involved in an impersonal affair with a man. She barely knows about his life, only about the sex games they play, so the relationship begins to get complicated.

The movie Nine 1/2 Weeks, released in 1986, features 16 songs from artists like Billie Holiday, Al Green, Luba and Eurythmics. What is your favorite song from Nine 1/2 Weeks?


Songs from Nine 1/2 Weeks

Strange Fruit
Billie Holiday
Love and Happiness
Al Green
Slave To Love
Let It Go
Come To Life
The Best Is Yet To Come
This City Never Sleeps
Eurasian Eyes
You Can Leave Your Hat On
Joe Cocker
The Strayaway Child
Andy Narell
Winston Grennan and Black Sage
Ambient Music 1: Music for Airports
Brian Eno
Bread and Butter
The Newbeats
Roger Eno