Songs from Movies

Mon p?re, ma m?re, mes fr?res et mes soeurs (1999)

The movie Mon p?re, ma m?re, mes fr?res et mes soeurs, released in 1999, features 16 songs from artists like Aretha Franklin, Victoria Abril, Los Cubaztecas and Luis Alberto. What is your favorite song from Mon p?re, ma m?re, mes fr?res et mes soeurs?

Songs from Mon p?re, ma m?re, mes fr?res et mes soeurs

Happy Birthday
Aretha Franklin
La luna negra
Victoria Abril
A la buena de Dios
Los Cubaztecas
Sin un amor
Tr?o Fantas?a
Vikingo cha cha
Los Cubaztecas
Chino bueno
the Orquesta de Ra?l Zequeira
Me encanta c?mo bailas
Luis Alberto
Noro Morales
Scandale dans la famille (Shame and Scandal in the Family)
Si javais un marteau (If I Had a Hammer)
Elle a fait un bebe toute seule
Me gusta la rumba
Los Cubaztecas
Los Cubaztecas
Wake Up
Michel Cerroni
Mexico (from the opera El Cantor de Mexico)