Songs from Movies

Memory (1993)

Sylvia is a social worker who leads a simple and structured life: her daughter, her job, her AA meetings. This is blown open when Saul follows her home from their high school reunion. Their surprise encounter will profoundly impact both of them as they open the door to the past.

The movie Memory, released in 1993, features 20 songs from artists like Angels Gonyalons. What is your favorite song from Memory?


Songs from Memory

Plantes d'interior
Angels Gonyalons
Tot ens va b?
Angels Gonyalons
Ball: 10, Cul: 3
Angels Gonyalons
Que entrin els clowns
Angels Gonyalons
M'han dit que no hi ha res com el mambo
El m?sic de la nit
Angels Gonyalons
Arthur per anar a dormir
Angels Gonyalons
Angels Gonyalons
Mein herr
Angels Gonyalons
Money, Money
Angels Gonyalons
Angels Gonyalons
Two Ladies
Angels Gonyalons
Potser aquest cop
Angels Gonyalons
La dansa del temps
Angels Gonyalons
No vas mai ben vestit si no somrius
Angels Gonyalons
Un amor estrany
Angels Gonyalons
Angels Gonyalons
Pega'm amb el saxo i fes-me mal
Angels Gonyalons
Sempre recordar? aquesta can??
Angels Gonyalons
Angels Gonyalons