Songs from Movies

Manny & Lo (1996)

A pregnant teen and her younger sister run away from foster homes and kidnap a woman whom they believe can help with the pregnancy.

The movie Manny & Lo, released in 1996, features 4 songs from artists like LaBelle and John Lurie, Billy Martin, Marc Ribot, Bill Ware, Chris Wood, Matt Zimbelmann. What is your favorite song from Manny & Lo?


Songs from Manny & Lo

Lady Marmelade
John Lurie, Billy Martin, Marc Ribot, Bill Ware, Chris Wood, Matt Zimbelmann
Lo's Theme
John Lurie, Billy Martin, Marc Ribot, Bill Ware, Chris Wood, Matt Zimbelmann
She's Not A Nurse, She Only Dresses Like A Nurse
John Lurie, Billy Martin, Marc Ribot, Bill Ware, Chris Wood, Matt Zimbelmann