Songs from Movies

Hollywood Party (1934)

Jimmy Durante is jungle movie star Schnarzan the Conqueror, but the public is tiring of his fake lions. When Baron Munchausen comes to town with real man-eating lions, Durante throws him a big Hollywood star-studded party so that he might use the lions in his next movie. But, his film rival sneaks into the party to buy the lions before Durante.

The movie Hollywood Party, released in 1934, features 9 songs from artists like Jimmy Durante, Frances Williams with chorus and Jimmy Durante and Jack Pearl with chorus. What is your favorite song from Hollywood Party?


Songs from Hollywood Party

Yankee Doodle (ca. 1755)
Temptation (1933)
Inka Dinka Doo
Jimmy Durante
Hollywood Party (1934)
Frances Williams with chorus
Feelin' High (1934)
Hello (1934)
Jimmy Durante and Jack Pearl with chorus
I've Had My Moments (1934)
Reincarnation (1934)
The Hot Choc'late Soldiers (1934)