Songs from Movies

Gals, Incorporated (1943)

The story of a nightclub.

The movie Gals, Incorporated, released in 1943, features 13 songs from artists like Glen Gray and his Casa Loma Orchestra. What is your favorite song from Gals, Incorporated?


Songs from Gals, Incorporated

(What Can I Say) After I Say I'm Sorry?
Chant of the Jungle
Glen Gray and his Casa Loma Orchestra
Take It and Git
Glen Gray and his Casa Loma Orchestra
Can't Get Stuff In Your Cuff
Two Weeks Vacation With Pay
John's Jamboree
Love Is All
All the Time It's You
Brazil (Aquarela do Brasil)
Here's Your Kiss
Hep, Hep, Hooray
The Prophet
Glen Gray and his Casa Loma Orchestra