Songs from Movies

Frances (1982)

The true story of Frances Farmer's meteoric rise to fame in Hollywood and the tragic turn her life took when she was blacklisted.

The movie Frances, released in 1982, features 8 songs from artists like Chet Swiatkowsky and Bing Crosby and the Rhythmaires. What is your favorite song from Frances?


Songs from Frances

Jeepers Creepers
It Don't Mean a Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing)
Symphony #7 in A major, Op. 92, 2nd movement
Piano Sonata in A major, K.331
Chet Swiatkowsky
Flow Gently, Sweet Afton (Afton Water)
Love Is So Terrific
Bing Crosby and the Rhythmaires
This Is Your Life (theme music)
I Found a Million Dollar Baby (In a Five & Ten Cent Store)