Songs from Movies

Extra Ordinary Barry (2008)

Barry Berry is extra special. But that doesn't stop him from losing his job, or getting an ultimatum from his friend Mary. Next, poor Barry gets an out-of-the-blue demand from an ex-lover who is insisting he meet their child Erin. When it can't seem to get any worse, Barry fails desperately as he tries to impress both Mary and Erin while teaching touch therapeutics to a culturally diverse group of students that are in for a class they didn't sign up for!

The movie Extra Ordinary Barry, released in 2008, features 2 songs from artists like Tony Boyd, Maritri Garrett , Danielle Bayonne. What is your favorite song from Extra Ordinary Barry?


Songs from Extra Ordinary Barry

Tony Boyd, Maritri Garrett , Danielle Bayonne
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring