Songs from Movies

El patrullero (1991)

A naïve rookie in the Mexican highway patrol must adapt in order to survive as he contends with widespread corruption, dangerous drug runners and the consequences of his often morally gray actions.

The movie El patrullero, released in 1991, features 9 songs from artists like Rivales del Norte, Jose Diaz y sus Morenos and Mariachi Potosino. What is your favorite song from El patrullero?


Songs from El patrullero

Tema 'Noticiero del Norte'
El Patrullero
Dios Nunca Muere
Se Tambalea
Rivales del Norte
De Torreon a Lerdo
Jose Diaz y sus Morenos
Cumbia 410
Cumbia 409
Los Laureles
Mariachi Potosino
La Pistola Y El Corazon
Rivales del Norte