Songs from Movies

Dead & Rotting (2002)

Three prankster buddies release the wrath of an aged witch, Abigail, when they unwittingly become accomplices to the murder of her son. Scheming in anger, the witch seduces the three friends and then uses the men's own ill-born spawn to destroy them. Death and rot are left in the wake...

The movie Dead & Rotting, released in 2002, features 11 songs from artists like Jackson Taylor and The Whiskey Richard Band and Lemar Burney. What is your favorite song from Dead & Rotting?


Songs from Dead & Rotting

Spectral Mist
Jim Beam
Jackson Taylor and The Whiskey Richard Band
Whiskey and Beer Ice Cold
Jackson Taylor and The Whiskey Richard Band
Here Comes Trouble
It's O.K.
Mississippi Delta Moan
No Rest On Sunday
Dead & Rotting
Shugi's Theme
Lemar Burney