Songs from Movies

Gerson King Combo

Gerson King Combo is a Brazilian musician, one of the icons of soul music in the country, where it is known by the nickname "Brazilian James Brown." Gerson was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, began career Art making dubbing, in the famous program "Today is the Day of Rock" presented for "Jair de Healer", then his brother Getúlio Cortes (author of "Black Cat, "a hit for Roberto Carlos) led him to dance in the program Young Guard, presented by none other than Roberto himself. Read more on

Gerson King Combo has 1 songs that have been featured in movies like . What is your favorite song by Gerson King Combo?


Songs from Gerson King Combo

Sou Uma Crian?a e N?o Entendo Nada (Vers?o 2)